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What Care Home Is Right For My Family?

Choosing the right care home can seem daunting as you want to make sure your loved one is as comfortable as possible with the level of care that they need. But with so many care homes to choose from, how do u know you are choosing the right one? In this article, we have compiled a list of what to look for when deciding upon the care home that is right for your family. 

Consider The Distance From Loved Ones 

When moving to a care home, it can be a quite and isolating experience for your loved one. Therefore, ensuring that you have chosen a care home next to their family can help to make the experience easier than ever before and less isolating. Keeping it an acceptable distance from the whole family can also make it easier on you when it comes to visiting them shortly. 

Look At The Room Size 

Another element to consider when it comes to choosing your ideal care home in Bexley is the size of the available rooms. You want your loved one to be happy and have the space to relax and unwind, therefore making sure that they have enough room for an en-suite this can benefit you in the long as it gives them the ability to live comfortably in their room if they want to. By taking the time to choose the room with your loved one and adding some personalised item before they move in, you can make the experience far less stressful. 

Consider How The Care Will Be Paid 

When looking to pay for the level of care that your loved one needs, you can be met with two main options. The care can be paid for either out of your own pocket or by a local authority or NHS. In very few cases, there is also the option to have a combination of government funding and the money from your own pocket. Regardless of how you decide you are going to fund your loved one’s care, it is important to make sure that the care home provides the level of care that you need within your budget. 

Look At The Food Served in The Care Home 

The final element that you want to consider is the food that is available at the care home. This is a small yet significant element of care home care that could make all the difference. Whether your loved one has allergies or has a specific diet such as vegan or vegetarian it is important to make sure that this is all catered to as this will make sure they are getting all the meals that they love like they would if they were at home. In some cases, you can even try the food on your visit to see if it is up to standard. 

Regardless of the area that you are looking for a care home in, we are sure that each of these simple steps will make finding a care home significantly easier than ever before, regardless of the time frame that you have. 

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